Saturday, April 12, 2008

Inspired by YTB’s Oldest Directors

Dave & Mickey Rawls, Texas
When Dave and I looked at YTB three years ago, I knew we were going to be in the travel business. I had been praying for a "real" company with a "fun" product that I could get excited about. It was the right company, the right product and the timing was absolutely perfect.
Like so many people, we were more than concerned about what we were going to do about our retirement. The opportunities for seniors are limited, to say the least. We made a commitment to YTB on day one and vowed we would do whatever needed to be done to make this business happen. My motivation was to take this company to the masses of people unprepared for retirement.
I am quite sure Dave and I hold the distinction of being the oldest directors. We are proof that you don't need to be young or computer-literate to become successful in this business. You just need the vision, the heart and the right company-and a great team!

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